Origin of Nike AIR MAX: In the late 1970s, the revolutionary Air-Sole air cushion began to emerge in Nike's footwear products. In 1987, Air Max first appeared in the heel area with a windowed air cushion, and shoe fans Not only can you feel Air-Sole comfort, but also to see its true content. Just a few years later, the new generation of Nike Air Max 90 with its eye-catching color combinations, reliable performance and lightweight cushioning effect, quickly became popular among athletes and collectors. This is also the mouth of the air cushion shoes.
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The air max90 is a redesigned running shoe based on early 1990's casual sneakers with a high-quality leather upper that supports the lock. This shoe is not only stylish and comfortable, but also boasts enhanced features that make it the choice of many fashion men. Whether with jeans or like the same professor with casual pants are very nice."If I can fly, I will seize the sky!" Yes, this domineering declaration is derived from the trapeze Jordan. If Chamberlain and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are the darling of God, then Jordan is God himself! In the history of the NBA, Jordan is an immortal legend! Love of basketball, love for Jordan can not be expressed in words. This is the reason why Jordan's online merchandise is strongly touted.
If you want to catch the sky like the trapeze, then go look for the airborne equipment! The advent of numerous fans so crazy. Relying on simple and neat esthetics, combined with the idea of innovation, Air Jordan men's basketball shoes add reflective elements and classic details of the design, pay tribute to the generation of basketball legend at the same time, with extraordinary attitude to achieve peak return.
Air jordan2014 new shoes vamp, shoe body using creative design of the hole is comfortable breathing feet. One-piece PU built-in midsole and insole, light shoes cushioning, superior comfort. Rock mottled lines bring a strong grip, allowing you to easily dominate the stadium! According to the different parts of the arch design of different lines of non-slip pattern, even if the track changes, you can calmly deal with.
You have heard of the origins of the legend? This is also the origin of design inspiration. A wonderful winning goal to Michael Jordan from North Carolina won the national championship in one fell swoop, astonishing record so that he became the leader in basketball. In 1985, he wore the first year Air Jordan 1 system hegemony stadium, set a new benchmark in performance and fashion, and broke the league pattern, defeated the will of the opponent, captured the hearts of countless fans around the world.
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