this shoe is different from the traditional shoes, because it is generally the shoes tend to some shoes, air cushion relative to the original shoes, the air cushion is not particularly obvious, air cushion effect is not very good, If you want to play, then the elasticity of this shoe may be relatively poor, bounce is relatively low, for some people, this shoe is used to walk is also good, but the play may not be great. how, different people have different feelings.
This is a relatively retro shoes, material or the use of ordinary synthetic leather, because it is a winter shoes, the material may be relatively thick, the warm effect is very good, on the other hand This.
Because it is a black shoes, shoes, red strip style, the overall look of shoes, into the eyes of the people feel very comfortable. This pair of shoes with a very good, because it does not have the style of traditional shoes, and as a basketball shoes, can be used with a casual wind, whether it is with sports pants, or jeans, can be a good control.
On the other hand, the tolerance is a relatively large bright spot, using the help in the design, the soles of the material determines the shoe's tolerance can be compared to the rubber on the ground, is a more comfortable s Choice. More emphasis on fashion factors boys, may choose this shoe.
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Nike basketball shoes in the shape of its own unique characteristics, Section 11 basketball shoes technology is also playing an important position in these high-end technology into the basketball shoes have a lot of advantages, adding the practicality of wearing shoes, in the Specific evaluation data, the advantages of these data and the performance of the play has become a number of basketball enthusiasts and even tide shoes collectors like it.Then Section 11 basketball shoes technology which is what people talk about it? First shoe uppers use flyknit and tpu weaving technology, this line design has a good package and stability, can make people Check or feel very comfortable afterwards. At the same time in a lot of Bryant 11 on behalf of the basketball shoe evaluation data will find that we reflect the use of such materials will make shoes more light, breathable sweat effect will be better. Its soles cushioning technology is the use of Nike's zoom technology, soles cushioning force is very good, this function can also make shoes on the protection of the feet better show. Kobe Bryant 11 on behalf of the basketball shoe shoes in the evaluation of the stability of the soles of the soles of the shoe is the show, such shoes are often used in basketball often have a better performance. For consumers, in the Kobe Bryant 11 on behalf of the basketball shoe evaluation process which are very essential elements. The price of this shoe in more than 1,000 yuan, wearing it is also very comfortable.
For some of the consumers intend to buy this shoe, you can also Kobe Bryant 11 on behalf of the basketball shoe evaluation of a lot of information for reference, this may be for their own shoes have a better grasp.
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