Combat 5 times the plastic field, the overall feeling pretty good. I am 1 meter 82,80 KG, location SG / PG, good at breaking layup and emergency stop jumper.
Personal ratings for this pair of shoes are as follows:
Appearance: 9 points
UDakrh27911 , UDalqs28572 , UDakxd28063 , UDakiv27691 , UDakdo27554 , UDalif28351 , UDalcz28215 , UDakor27843 , UDalob28503 , UDakun27995 , UDalty28656 , UDalai28146 , UDakma27774 , UDakgu27638 , UDalll28435 , UDalge28298 , UDakrx27927 , UDalrh28587 , UDakxt28079 , UDakjk27706 , UDaked27569 , UDaliv28367 , UDaldo28230 , UDakpg27858 , UDalor28519 , UDakvc28010 , UDalay28162 , UDakmq27790 , UDakhj27653 , UDalma28450 , UDalgu28314 , UDaksm27942 , UDalrx28603 , UDakyi28094 , UDakk2296 , UDaket27585 , UDaljk28382 , UDaled28245 , UDakpw27874 , UDalpg28534 , UDakvs28026 , UDalvc28686 , UDakcc27516 , UDakhz27669 , UDalmq28466 , UDalhj28329 , UDaktb27957 , UDakyy28110 , UDakkp27737 , UDakfi27600 , UDalk2322 , UDalet28261 , UDakql27889 , UDalpw28550 , UDakwh28041 , UDalvs28702 , UDakcs27532 , UDalcc28192 , UDaknv27821 , UDakio27684 , UDalnf28481 , UDalhz28345 , UDaktr27973 , UDaltb28633 , UDakzn28125 , UDakle27752 , UDakfy27616 , UDalkp28413 , UDalfi28276 , UDakra27904
How to say this, radish vegetables have their own love. Personally feel pretty good, shoes more resistant to see. High plus red lion and black hook is very domineering, but there are MM said more silly haha ~Comfort: 9 points
Tongue is relatively large, just wear two right foot a little grinding legs. The overall feeling more comfortable, soft and soft cushion is also appropriate, pressure road no problem, to catch up with my Adi running shoes.
Package: 9 points
Through the ZK5, try through the ZK6, tighten the lace after feeling between the two. Of course, high and low help to help the feeling is different, but at least break and change will not feel in the shoes slide, the overall feeling can be.
Cushioning: 10 points
Before the zoom after the max did not say that ah, max opened after the jump, landing feel great Wear this shoe often guest to the inside of the board to grab board or back to play, feeling bounce are slightly improved. The
Protection: 10 points
Protection is really good, dare to do not really easy to do before the action. Even in the case of more venues, there will be no slippery and slippery situation. There are times to step on someone else feet even after all right, clear feeling the upper to protect my fragile ankle.
Breathability: 7 points
Although the traces of the point to see the fuse, but the shoes really airtight ah. The The Summer wear and ordinary high to help basketball shoes no difference, very hot, go to work several times to wear sandals.
Start / flexible: 8 points
Although the front palm zoom, but the total sense of the break is not particularly strong to start, did not imagine the effect is good, it may be older legs to die. The
High help ankle flexibility is indeed slightly worse than the low, but the feeling is not affected.
Weight: 8 points / 14.2 ounces
This can only be said that the old Beijing and the general basketball shoes slightly lighter, and ZK, Hyperfuse no way than ah. University, high school are wearing a back to play, the past few days through ZK5 (bad ..), and now the weight of the shoes really need to adapt ah. The
Wear: 9 points
This feeling can be better than imagined, feel the field plastic should be no problem. Of course, only played 5 times, wear to be further study, but the soles of the wear can be almost ignored ah.
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